Reopening SMS

FAQs & Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Stratton Mountain School is committed to the health and welfare of our students, staff, and community members. We are taking the steps necessary to bring the community back to campus safely while delivering the highest quality educational and athletic experience.
Please check this page for updates or changes based on evolving public health protocols.
** Updated 8/3/2020. New information is in bold ***

Campus Prep

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • Is Stratton Mountain School's campus closed?

    Yes, our campus is closed to everyone except faculty and essential staff. Student-athletes may train under strict protocols and schedules. Please contact a member of the athletic staff for more information.
  • When will students return to campus?

    We will welcome students back on September 7, 2020
  • What if a student cannot come to campus due to travel or health concerns?

    We have planned for three scenarios: full enrollment with all students on campus; a hybrid scenario during which some students are on campus while others are remote; and a full distance learning option. 

    Individuals with special health concerns or educational needs will have the opportunity to individualize their schedule when approved by Alex Lehmann, Dean of Academics. These special circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 
  • How will I know if there are updates to SMS policies and guidelines?

    We will provide updates on our website and through bi-weekly newsletters to keep our community informed.

    The new Bear.Net Portal will distribute vital information to current students, parents, and staff, in a cohesive manner, including n
    otifications and messages for COVID-19 related updates or policy changes. 

Health & Safety

List of 6 frequently asked questions.

  • Do students need to quarantine and be tested before arriving on campus?

    All students and staff must be tested for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and submit documentation of a negative result to Stratton Moutain School.

    Tests must be administered within three (3) to seven (7) days of returning to campus and negative results received beyond that time frame will not be accepted. On-campus testing will be available on August 31 for all staff and any students who are in the local area on that date.

    Students and staff living in, and restricting travel to, low-risk zones as defined by the State are not required to quarantine prior to the pre-arrival testing. Students and staff living in or traveling to high-risk zones as defined by the State must quarantine for 7 days prior to the pre-arrival testing.  Please use the State of Vermont Cross State Travel Information as the guide when preparing for arrival to campus.
  • Will there be subsequent routine testing?

    We will administer on-campus tests weekly for all students and staff as long as tests remain the best course of action for the detection of COVID-19.
  • Will students be required to wear masks?

    Masks are to be worn in all designated mask zones when six (6) feet of distance between individuals is not possible.

    All staff, students, and visitors are required to bring and wear their own cloth
    masks. Masks are not to be shared among individuals, and individuals are encouraged to have at least seven (7) masks; one clean mask for each day, and washed weekly.
  • What happens if there is a suspected case of COVID-19 on campus?

    Any individual who has recorded a temperature >100.4 ºF or experienced any COVID-19 related signs/symptoms will be added to a watch list for medical follow-up. They must return home or report to the identified quarantine location on campus without coming in contact with any member of the SMS community.

    More details will be provided in the Stratton Mountain School COVID-19 Manual. 
  • What steps can I take to stay healthy?

    To decrease the risk of COVID-19 from entering our community, Stratton Mountain School has instituted the following principles for students, staff, and families:
    • Bring Facial Coverings: Wear masks indoors, where poor air circulation exists, or when close.
    • Encourage Proper Hygiene: Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and use hand sanitizer frequently. 
    • Administer Health Checks: Conduct self-checks at home in addition to the required screening and tests.
    • Required Physical Distancing: Maintain distances of 6 feet indoors or 4 feet outdoors, and limit exposure time when indoors. 
    • Stop the Spread: Cover coughs/sneezes with tissues and dispose of immediately, followed by proper hygiene procedures. 
  • What steps are you taking to keep COVID-19 from campus?

    The soon-to-be-released Stratton Mountain School COVID-19 Campus Protocol Student-Parent Manual (SMSC19 Manual) outlines how we will respond to COVID-19, our mitigation and prevention strategies, updated travel and visitation policies, and changes to the school day. We will share the manual with our community in the coming weeks, and its contents will continue to evolve as new information becomes available.

School Day

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • Will there be changes to the daily schedule?

    Welcoming a full student body in the current environment requires that we add additional sections of classes and that we seek additional spaces on campus to effectively host larger groups of students. 

    We will provide a sample schedule and more information in the coming weeks. 
  • Will there be athletics in the Fall?

    Gov. Phil Scott announced that sports with low-contact and short duration incidental contact could restart their programs as of June 15th. Per his guidance, Stratton Mountain School plans to resume sports such as soccer in the fall. 
  • Can I visit the campus?

    Except for cleaning staff, delivery persons, and authorized third-party vendors and service providers, visitors are not permitted on campus without special permission,  which may be given on a case by case basis by the Head of School or the Assistant Head of School.
  • Will meals be provided? How will that work?

    Yes, we will continue to provide meals for our students and staff. Plexiglass barriers will be placed around serving areas for additional protection and hand sanitizer will be available at the designated entrance and exit. All meals will feature prepackaged items or served items upon request.
Stratton Mountain School is an independent boarding and day school that focuses on college preparatory academics and competitive winter sports. Located at the base of Stratton Mountain, SMS is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools.